Eating Healthy, Fitness, Hormone Health, Losing weight, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Eating Healthy, Fitness, Hormone Health, Losing weight, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

Can You Actually Speed Up Your Metabolism?

Many people blame their expanding waistlines on a slow metabolism or age. But is that really what's keeping you from reaching your ideal body composition? In this post I’ll share how you can create a better metabolism by eating enough of the right foods and working out smarter, not harder.

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How Hormone Imbalances Can Sabotage Fat Loss

Your hormones play a huge role in helping or hindering your weight loss efforts. They can affect everything from your appetite to where you’re most likely to store fat, and if certain hormones are out of whack, it can make it difficult to burn fat. Here are some of the hormones that play a role and ways you can get them working for you, not against you.

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Can Going Gluten Free Help You to Lose Weight?

Going gluten free is a popular choice for losing weight but it pays to be super smart about how you go about a gluten-free diet. It’s really easy to get things wrong and put on weight instead. Making sure your transition to being gluten-free is healthy will be more likely to promote fat loss.

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