Welcome to The Nutrition Edit podcast for high performing women ready to feel their best in their bodies, careers and personal lives. We'll debunk myths about health, weight loss and exercise and explore the latest nutrition and biohacking trends. We'll filter out the B.S., share what you really need to know, and help you put the good stuff into practice in a way that works for YOU.

You’ll get actionable tips from guest experts and myself on how to up-level your mindset, workouts, relationships and environment, and start feeling like the badass woman you are! Join me as we bust through the broscience and male-centric health paradigm to help you achieve optimal performance - body, mind and soul.

Check out the latest episode here:

Dreaming of more restful sleep?

Consistently getting enough sleep is so crucial when it comes to feeling your best and optimizing your health and fitness. To help you do this, I’ve put together a handy cheat sheet of ways to improve your sleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you. I know these practices have made a huge difference for myself and my clients, so I hope you find them helpful too.

Wellness, Mental Health, Nutrition, Fitness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Wellness, Mental Health, Nutrition, Fitness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S4, Episode 9: Nutrition for Stress Relief and Resilience

In this episode of the Nutrition Edit Podcast, we delve into the unavoidable reality of stress and its impact on our lives.

Stress comes in many forms, some of which we can control and others we can't, like political unrest or environmental toxins. But regardless of the source, stress affects us all differently, influenced by our circumstances and resilience levels.

While we can't always eliminate stressors from our lives, we can manage our response to stress through healthy lifestyle choices. Today, we're focusing on how to use food and exercise to increase resilience and reduce stress, even when external stressors remain unchanged.

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Lifestyle, Nutrition, Wellness, Mindset Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Lifestyle, Nutrition, Wellness, Mindset Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S4, Episode 3: Meal Prep Made Easy with Cat Buck Le

Today I have a fun and casual chat with my friend Cat Buck Le, StrongFirst Elite Kettlebell Coach and meal prep maven. We talk about the importance of meal prep and share our go-to strategies for streamlining the process and making it more enjoyable and less stressful. We also share easy ways to get more veggies and add flavor and variety to your meals without buying a ton of ingredients for different recipes. By putting a little planning and effort into food prep, you can improve your nutrition, body composition, and overall health, while also saving time and money.

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Women's Health, Mindset, Wellness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Women's Health, Mindset, Wellness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S4, Episode 2: How to Escape the All-Or-Nothing Trap

In this episode of the Nutrition Edit Podcast, I tackle the pervasive issue of the all-or-nothing mentality, particularly prevalent among high-performing women striving for perfection in their health and personal lives. While this perfectionistic approach may be effective to some degree in the workplace, it is detrimental when it comes to health and wellness. I’ll share some practical ways to overcome this mentality and achieve a more balanced, sustainable, and enjoyable approach to making lifestyle changes.

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Wellness, Behavior Change, Mindset, Metabolic Health, Fitness, Mental Health Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Wellness, Behavior Change, Mindset, Metabolic Health, Fitness, Mental Health Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S2, Episode 12: You Deserve Good Health, But Do You Believe That?

In this final episode of season 2, I’m talking about a belief that many people struggle with, women especially. I've had so many clients tell me over the years that they struggle to make lasting changes in their health and fitness because deep down they don't really believe they deserve to feel their best. As women, we are under immense pressure to excel in every area of life, including career, motherhood, relationships, and appearance. However, prioritizing self-care is often stigmatized as being selfish or high maintenance. You deserve love, nurturing, and nourishment as much as anyone on this planet, and I’m here to remind you of that and give you some tools to start believing it for yourself.

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Fitness, Mindset, Behavior Change, Wellness, Fat Loss, Metabolic Health Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Fitness, Mindset, Behavior Change, Wellness, Fat Loss, Metabolic Health Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S2, Episode 11: Beyond the Scale – Finding Lasting Motivation with Cat Buck Le

In today's episode I'm talking with Catherine Buck Le about how to stay consistent with the behaviors required to meet your health, fitness and weight loss goals, even when you don’t feel like it. And more importantly she shares how to maintain those behaviors and create lasting lifestyle and body change.

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Metabolic Health, Fat Loss, Wellness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Metabolic Health, Fat Loss, Wellness Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

S2, Episode 8: The 411 on Ozempic / Semaglutide with Dr. Emily Passic

Today I’m talking with Dr. Emily Passic about semaglutide, also know as Ozempic of Wegovy. I had a ton of questions and concerns about it and I’m sure you do too, so I wanted to bring on an expert who really understands how this drug should and shouldn’t be used, who it is and is not for, and can answer all our burning questions.

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Episode 2: How Did We Get Here?

How did our grandparents’ generation have so much less chronic illness than we do now? Why has been on the rise over the last century, sharpened in the last couple of decades? In this episode, I will discuss the societal, environmental, and internal circumstances that can contribute to our ill health, and ways we can minimize their impact.

Listen for more about:

The American food supply

High glycemic and ultra-processed foods and why they’re so much more prevalent now

The “low fat” disaster

Carcinogens, obesigens, toxins, and how to help our bodies detoxify more efficiently

Chronic stress

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